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How to Build a PR Crisis Plan from Scratch

How to Build a PR Crisis Plan from Scratch


Hey there, reputation warriors! If you’re reading this, chances are you’re either in the middle of a PR crisis (yikes!) or you’re smart enough to know that it’s not a matter of if, but when a crisis might hit. Either way, you’re in the right place. Today, we’re diving into the world of PR crisis plans – your secret weapon for when things go sideways in the public eye.

Remember, as the saying goes, “In times of crisis, reputation is built by how you respond, not just by what you say.” So, let’s make sure you’re ready to respond like a pro!

What’s on the Menu?

Why You Need a PR Crisis Plan (Like, Yesterday)

Alright, let’s start with the elephant in the room – why do you need a PR crisis plan? Well, imagine you’re sailing smoothly when suddenly, BAM! A storm hits out of nowhere. Without a plan, you’re scrambling, making snap decisions, and probably taking on water fast. But with a solid PR crisis plan? You’re ready to weather that storm like a seasoned captain.

Here’s why every business, big or small, needs a PR crisis plan:

  • Speed is Key: In a crisis, every second counts. A pre-made plan helps you respond quickly and effectively.
  • Consistency Matters: A plan ensures everyone in your organization is on the same page, avoiding mixed messages.
  • Reputation Protection: A well-executed crisis response can actually boost your reputation, showing that you’re prepared and responsible.
  • Stress Reduction: Trust me, having a plan in place reduces panic when crisis hits. And a calmer team makes better decisions.
  • Legal Protection: A good crisis plan includes guidelines that can help you avoid legal pitfalls in your communications.

What Exactly Is a PR Crisis? (Spoiler: It’s Not Just Bad Press)

Before we dive into building your PR crisis plan, let’s get crystal clear on what we’re dealing with. A PR crisis isn’t just a bad day at the office or a few negative tweets. It’s a situation that threatens to harm your organization’s reputation or bottom line, often fueled by negative media attention.

Examples of PR crises:

  • Product recalls or safety issues
  • Data breaches or privacy violations
  • Employee misconduct
  • Environmental disasters
  • Social media gaffes gone viral
  • Negative press coverage

The Secret Sauce: Key Ingredients of a Killer PR Crisis Plan

Now that we know what we’re up against, let’s talk about what goes into a top-notch PR crisis plan. Think of these as the essential ingredients in your crisis management recipe:

  1. A Dedicated Crisis Team
  2. Clear Roles and Responsibilities
  3. Communication Protocols
  4. Pre-approved Messaging Templates
  5. Stakeholder Contact List
  6. Media Training
  7. Monitoring and Alert System
  8. Post-Crisis Evaluation Plan

Remember, your PR crisis plan is a living document. It should be regularly reviewed and updated to stay relevant and effective.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a PR crisis plan:

  1. Identify Potential Risks:

    • Brainstorm possible crisis scenarios specific to your industry and business.
    • Rank these risks based on likelihood and potential impact.
  2. Assemble Your Crisis Dream Team:

    • Choose members based on skills, not just job titles.
    • Include representatives from PR, legal, operations, and leadership.
  3. Define Roles and Responsibilities:

    • Clearly outline who does what during a crisis.
    • Create a crisis response flowchart for easy reference.
  4. Establish Communication Protocols:

    • Define how your team will communicate internally during a crisis.
    • Set guidelines for external communication, including social media policies.
  5. Draft Response Templates:

    • Create template statements for various crisis scenarios.
    • Include guidelines for customizing these templates quickly.
  6. Create a Stakeholder Contact List:

    • Compile a comprehensive list of key contacts.
    • Regularly update this list to ensure it’s current.
  7. Set Up Monitoring Systems:

    • Implement tools to monitor social media and news outlets.
    • Set up Google Alerts for your brand and key industry terms.
  8. Develop a Media and Communication Plan:

    • Outline your media response strategy and prepare spokespersons with media training.

A PR crisis plan is your brand’s lifeline when unexpected challenges arise.

Crisis Management Best Practices: Be the Calm in the Storm

When a crisis hits, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos. But with these best practices in your back pocket, you’ll be the calm in the storm:

  • Respond Quickly, But Accurately: Speed is crucial, but not at the expense of accuracy.
  • Be Transparent and Honest: Honesty builds trust, even in difficult situations.
  • Show Empathy: Acknowledge the impact on affected parties.
  • Maintain Consistent Messaging: Ensure all spokespersons are aligned on key messages.
  • Leverage Multiple Communication Channels: Use a mix of social media, your website, email, and traditional media.

Oops! Common Crisis Management Mistakes (And How to Dodge Them)

Even the pros sometimes stumble. Here are common PR blunders to avoid:

  1. The Ostrich Approach: Ignoring the crisis and hoping it’ll blow over.
  2. The Blame Game: Pointing fingers at others instead of taking responsibility.
  3. The “No Comment” Trap: Using “no comment” in response to media inquiries.
  4. The Jargon Jungle: Using technical language or corporate speak.
  5. The Social Media Ghost Town: Neglecting social media during a crisis.
  6. The “One and Done” Approach: Issuing one statement and considering the matter closed.

Wrapping It Up: Your PR Crisis Action Plan

Let’s recap the key ingredients of your PR crisis plan recipe:

  1. Identify potential risks specific to your business.
  2. Assemble a dedicated crisis team with clear roles.
  3. Establish clear communication protocols.
  4. Prepare response templates for various scenarios.
  5. Set up monitoring systems to catch issues early.
  6. Train your spokespersons to handle media effectively.
  7. Plan for business continuity during a crisis.
  8. Always have a post-crisis evaluation process.

Now, here’s your homework:

  • Start identifying potential crisis scenarios for your business.
  • List out who would be on your crisis response team.
  • Draft a basic communication flowchart for when a crisis hits.
  • Set up Google Alerts for your brand name and key industry terms.

Want to dive deeper into crisis management strategies? Subscribe to our blog for weekly PR tips and crisis management case studies.

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