Social Media Marketing

Improve your presence across popular online platforms

Targeted Approach

While many companies attest to creating social media profiles that drive "likes" and "followers" in the thousands, we believe that this random and ad-hoc approach collaborates to lessen your brand’s value online. Instead, Cornelia focuses on creating social media profiles and interactions that deliver a targeted and strategic approach integrating into your overall marketing strategy.

Cornelia helps companies set-up, understand, strategise and implement social media campaigns. Some of our services include:

  • Social media strategy development
  • Social media roadmap development
  • Social media branded design for Instagram, Facebook, and other social media mediums
  • Social media optimisation

Create a connection

Social media strategy is not simply about having beautifully-designed posts; it is also about monitoring them, engaging with respondents, and keep them coming back for more. Cornelia integrates social media within your business model to grow your audience and attract potential clients. She will develop a complete social media strategy and campaign calendar in direct consultation with you, all based on the size, needs, and projected growth of your business.

A social media marketing strategy does not mean simply having profiles on social networks such as Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter . She researches your target audience to find out exactly what they enjoy when they enjoy it, and how to build an online relationship with them that they will keep engaging with. The aim is to create content to drive deeper connections with your target audience.

Package Deals

Three package deals are available to meet general requirements. Let us know if you need something different.

Entry Level

Taking your fists steps into Social Media

  • Platform: Facebook
  • 2 Unique posts per week
  • Ads budget
  • Monthly Statistics Report
  • Monthly Online Meeting
  • Monthly Content Strategy


You are ready to expand your Social Marketing.

  • Platform: Facebook
  • 3 Unique posts per week
  • Ads budget
  • Monthly Statistics Report
  • Monthly Virtual Meeting
  • Monthly Content Strategy


Growing your Social Media with leaps and bounds

  • Platforms: 2
  • 5 Unique posts per week
  • Ads budget
  • Community Management
  • Monthly Statistics Report
  • Monthly Virtual Meeting
  • Monthly Content Strategy